About us

We are enthusiastic professionals and we believe in good advertising. We started our company in 2003 and since then we’ve developed comprehensive knowledge of the market in Bulgaria. That’s why we know exactly how to choose the right marketing strategy.
We know the profile of the buyer in Bulgaria, because we meet him face to face. We know how to move him from store to online and back in store again. And that’s why clients choose us.
So far we’ve successfully completed more than 3,600 projects. We’ve proven ourselves by developing 360 marketing campaigns starting with promotions in store, brandings, mobile applications, online games and sites, campaigns in social media networks and interactive digital products. We know perfectly well how to sell offline and online, and now we sell pixels too.
Our clients rely on us for promotions, virtual hostesses in store, CRM, developing and managing sites and mobile apps, and emotional digital campaigns.
Do you want the best bond between BTL and Digital? Choose us. Choose Strata.
We are enthusiastic professionals and we believe in good advertising. We started our company in 2003 and since then we’ve developed comprehensive knowledge of the market in Bulgaria. That’s why we know exactly how to choose the right marketing strategy.
We know the profile of the buyer in Bulgaria, because we meet him face to face. We know how to move him from store to online and back in store again. And that’s why clients choose us.
So far we’ve successfully completed more than 3,600 projects. We’ve proven ourselves by developing 360 marketing campaigns starting with promotions in store, brandings, mobile applications, online games and sites, campaigns in social media networks and interactive digital products. We know perfectly well how to sell offline and online, and now we sell pixels too.
Our clients rely on us for promotions, virtual hostesses in store, CRM, developing and managing sites and mobile apps, and emotional digital campaigns.
Do you want the best bond between BTL and Digital? Choose us. Choose Strata.
our services
We know how to position your products to achieve your best sales projections.

Every idea needs strategic content to achieve market success. We create concepts for integrated campaigns which we execute offline and online
We develop and manage digital products and services from A to Z. We can create everything needed for a successful advertising campaign.
We code, create and manage all manner of digital products to the benefit of our clients.
We create promo websites, in-store campaigns, social media campaigns and everything else needed to boost your sales.
All kind of print production.
Вярваме в добрата реклама
Група ентусиазирани профисионалисти, които вярват в добрата реклама. Стартирахме през 2003 г. и с толкова история зад гърба си имаме пълно познание на пазара в България и знаем точно кои маркетингови подходи да използваме, за да направим една успешна...
3600 успешни проекта
Познаваме купувача в България от първо лице и го водим в действията му от магазина, през интернет и отново в магазина. Това ни прави естествен избор за всичките ни клиенти. Досега имаме осъществени над 3,600 успешни проекта. Доказали сме се в разгръщане на 360...
Искате най-доброто свързване на BTL и Digital? Искате Strata!
Знаем как да продаваме офлайн, а вече продаваме и в пиксели. Най-честите услуги, заради които ни избират са: промоции, виртуални хостеси в магазина, CRM, създаване и управление на сайтове и мобилни приложения и дигитални кампании. Искате най-доброто свързване на BTL и...

1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Izgrev, 19 Elemag str., bl. 309, fl. 2
+359 2 816 40 50
+359 2 816 40 50